
Showing posts from 2018

100WC 27

My brother and I always got into fights, even though we love each other. My friend and I were a little short on cash, but we knew my brother had a decent paying job and a wad of cash just laying on his desk. So we decided to go on a deadly mission and steal his precious money. If anyone were to find out my friend and I would be grounded for life and probably beat up. But we knew it would be worth it. We crawled into his room and grabbed the money although we  ran quickly we were still not making enough progress, that's how I broke all my bones.

100WC 22

I just got my new goldfish, Goldy. He was very excited and jumpy. It looked like he could jump over a tall ladder. I did not want to loose my fish if he flew out of his bowl. I thought I was taking good care of him until I saw the brown murky water. I forgot to clean the water and the bowl! No wonder Goldy looked so sick. He started slowly turning upside down and I knew he was gone. I was a horrible fish owner. next time I will just get a hamster.

100WC 21

 The great escape Our pack of trees, were sneaking down the back ally of our owners house. They did not treat us well, sometimes they took our bark or wood. We tried to escape to a tree farm where we can do anything we want, including having fun. We were hoping no humans spotted us well we were on our mission. After what felt like hours we reached our destination, or at least we thought we made it. We realized this was no tree farm, this was a human farm! And it looks like they need more wood for there Fire!

100 WC 19

                                                                      Slippery Fish Goldy my fish had lived for a hundred years, which is very long for a goldfish. But, he passed away so, I flushed him down the toilet and right when I flushed him down I remember all of the pipe problems we were having. Water started rapidly flying in every possible direction. I dashed out of the house because my life depended on it. When I was outside it was like my house had flooded. Suddenly, it came down the drainpipe. Goldy! It almost looked like he was alive but, when I got the urge to pick up the fish I got a fish skeleton.