100 wc

                                                                      The Experiment

"But professor it's not possible!" said a student.
"Anything is possible! screamed Professor Quibly. He went to the pet store to buy supplies for an experiment. When he got there he asked the worker where he could find crocodiles. The man gave a strange look and said "aisle seven." On the way to aisle seven he saw lots of different things like dog toys twisted in knots and purple clothing for dogs. When he came back to the science lab professor Quibly screamed "I will be the first person to turn a crocodile into a human!" He mixed the potion and bang! He fainted.


  1. A very creative story. You have a great beginning, middle and end to your short story. Lots of great details such as the strange look, dog toys twisted... I really can create an image in my mind. Remember every time someone speaks it is a new line.


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